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Term Dates

St Martin's School Term Dates

Academic Year 2024/2025


Autumn Term 2024 

Inset Day: Thursday 5th September & Friday 6th September

Term Starts: Monday 9th September

Half Term: Friday 18th October - Sunday 3rd November

End of Term: Friday 13th December


Spring Term 2025

Inset Day: Monday 6th January

Term Starts: Tuesday 7th January 

Half Term: Friday 14th February - Sunday 23rd February

End of Term: Friday 4th April - 12:30. 


Summer Term 2025 

Inset Day: Tuesday 22nd April 

Term Starts: Wednesday 23rd April 

Half Term: Friday 23rd May - Sunday 1st June

End of Term: Friday 11th July


Academic Year 2025/2026:

INSET Thursday 4th and Friday 5th September

Return to school - Monday 8th September

Break up - Friday 17th October

Return to school - Monday 3rd November 

Break up - Friday 12th December


INSET Monday 5th January 

Return to school - Monday 6th January 

Break up - Friday 13th February 

Return to school - Monday 23rd February 

Break up -Thursday 2nd April

Bank holiday- Friday 3rd April 


INSET Monday 20th April 

Return to school -Tuesday 21st April 

Break up - Friday 22nd May 

Return to school - Monday 1st June

Break up - Friday 10th July or Friday 1


Bank holidays impacting on School 2026

  • Good Friday: April 3
  • Easter Monday: April 6
  • Early May Bank Holiday: May 4
  • Spring Bank Holiday: May 25