This week, there was a flurry of excitement at St. Martin's Prep as the roles and responsibilities for
the year have been assigned.
From Eco Council to School Council, Head Boy to House Captain, pupils from across the school
put themselves forward to take on a position. In particular, Elgar class - as the eldest in the school -
had the task of convincing their peers that they were the perfect candidates for a House Captain role
in our school election whilst Head Boy and Girl were chosen by the teachers and Mr
Thompson. We would formally like to introduce you to our new representatives in this newsletter.
These roles are an important tradition at our school. Giving our pupils responsibility shows trust
and is beneficial to them, building self esteem and motivation for success. Pupils feel encouraged to
work hard, improve their conduct and generally become the exemplary pupils that they must be to
be given a formal responsibility. It gives our younger pupils an aspiration as they move up the school
and our older pupils the chance to become even more of a role model for their peers.
This year, we are planning on developing our pupils' responsibilities. Our school council is going to
be meeting more frequently, bringing our pupils' voices to more aspects of school life. They will be
bringing about more change and meeting frequently to give pupils’ the chance to get their views
taken in account. Our newly established Eco Council will be taking steps towards making St.
Martin’s Prep as environmentally friendly as possible and reaching out into the local community to
protect the environment. Our House and Vice Captains will be taking more ownership in motivating
the Romans, Saxons and Normans whilst our Head Boy and Girl will be busy hosting their own
termly assembly and representing the school at events.
We are certain that all of our pupils have a stellar year ahead of them and that those with their
additional roles will fulfil them successfully.