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Our Rooms

Foxes (2+)

The Foxes class provides a safe and stimulating environment where children can holistically learn and grow. Our activities and areas are meticulously designed based on the children's interests, promoting a child-initiated learning approach. We emphasise the development of children's skills, knowledge, and independence by offering choices that build decision-making abilities. Through meaningful conversations, shared reading, and self-expression opportunities, we support your child's communication and language development. Our holistic approach also nurtures empathy, emotional understanding, and social skills.


Bunnies/Hedgehogs (3+)

The Bunnies and Hedgehogs classes collaboratively create a warm and inviting space where children feel safe and secure. With a child-initiated learning philosophy, we encourage children to vote for the weekly focus book every Thursday, fostering a sense of community and participation. Daily opportunities for choice, such as selecting their lunch, promote autonomy and independence. We maximise our outdoor learning environment, allowing children to connect with nature and engage in holistic education. Regular visits to the school library instil a love for reading, with each child using a personalised library card to choose their books.

To book a Personal Tour, please contact our Admissions Team at 01472 878907 or email for further information or to schedule an appointment here.